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时间:2022-03-30 23:20:29 浏览:9次 作者:用户投稿 【我要投诉/侵权/举报 删除信息】

抖音that girl火了之后又一首英文也火了,歌词是“I wrote a song”。那么抖音I wrote a song是什么歌?I wrote a song完整歌词介绍。


抖音女声I wrote a song是什么歌

歌名;One Day

歌手:Tate McRae







这歌火到抖音了么?谁有视频链接 私我一个

这个我没在抖音见过 是一个友友找的 好像是ins上的#p#副标题#e#

女版《One Day》歌词分享

She stares at her ceiling once again,

with 100 thoughts.

"Maybe he knows who I am?" "actually, probably not"...

She walks down the hall with her head down low

Scared to meet his eyes

Even when she hears his voice, she's swarmed with butterflies

It's impossible to get you off my mind

I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99

I've understood that you will never bemine, and that's fine... I'm just breaking inside

He always walks the crowded halls, and is blinded by this light

A girl who keeps her head down low, and never shows her eyes...

He's tried to talk to her but there's no easy way

'Cause everytime he raises his voice, she runs away

Oh it's impossible to get you off my mind

I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99

I've understood that you will never be mine, and that's fine... I'm just breaking inside

And one day, maybe she'll stay

And start to head over his way

And one day, she'll look into his eyes,

and instead of breaking, she'll call him mine...

One day he'll grab her by the waist

And force them to meet,Face to face

And one day, he'll look into her eyes

And say that "You're my only light"

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