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时间:2022-04-10 14:44:04 浏览:5次 作者:用户投稿 【我要投诉/侵权/举报 删除信息】


  可用 tons of, dozens of, scores of, hundreds of, thousands of,millions of 等表白。如:

  I’ve been there dozens of times. 我到那儿去过几十次了。

  Thousands of people were gathered at the airport. 数千人会合在飞机场。

  There were hundreds of people on the beach. 海滩上有不计其数的人。

  Millions of dollars have gone into the building of this factory. 数以百万计的美金被加入建筑这座工场。




  可用 less than, under, below, almost, nearly, up to 等来表白少于或逼近某个数量。如:

  It cost me less than 10 pounds. 我买它没花上10英镑。

  There’s nothing below 5 dollars. 没有一律货色价格在5美元以次。

  Almost [Nearly] all the students passed the exam. 差不离一切的弟子都经过了考查。



  可用 more than, beyond, or more, over, above 等来表白胜过或多于某个数量。如:

  He was away for more than a month. 他摆脱了一个多月。

  There are ten chairs or more in the room. 屋子里有十多把椅子。

  The temperature is two degrees above zero. 温度是2度。

  You have to be over 18 to see this film. 胜过18岁的人本领看这部影戏。




  可用 or, or so, about, around, some, more or less 等表白。如:

  They arrived around [round] 5 o’clock. 她们是大概5点钟到的。

  It’s an hour’s journey, more or less. 大概有一个钟头的路途。

  Take this medicine. You’ll feel better in an hour or so. 把药吃了,过一个多钟点你会发觉好些的。



  英语中要表白“一两个……”,有两种常用表白,一是“a+动词+or two”,二是“one or two+动词”,提防两者不行混用(更加提防不许将 a 与 one 用混)。如:

  After a minute or two we saw him. 一两秒钟后咱们瞥见他了。

  May I borrow the book for a day or two?这该书我不妨借一两天吗?

  I would like to use the computer for an hour or two. 我想用一两个钟点的电脑。

  I want to put you right on one or two matters. 我想给你矫正一两个缺点。

  There is one or two things I’d like to know about?有一两件事我很想领会。


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