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时间:2022-04-11 14:56:10 浏览:11次 作者:用户投稿 【我要投诉/侵权/举报 删除信息】


In this era, what should our ideal living space look like? In this work, our designers try to answer this question and outline scenes of a beautiful and warm life like jade in all possible ways.



Xiamen, a seaside city with a long history, has experienced the polishing of the times and time, gradually showing the gentle texture and brilliance like raw jade. Afteryears of fatigue, it is as beautiful as jade.



In the whole design work, the city, people, art, life, and the relationship between them become the main line of the design, expressing the whole space incisively and vividly with warm and romantic design vocabulary.



Uncarved jade is raw jade, and unsmelted gold is muddy gold. The cutting surface of the installation is made of gold and stone (uncut jade), which are naturally formed, which best interprets uncut jade and gold.



Jimei is also known as Jimei Peninsula in geography. The coastline near the sea is about 60 kilometers long. The waves are one of the indispensable scenery in this area. The lighting on the top of the sales console uses the relationship between the waves and the coast. Bringing it indoors, it truly reflects what is the beauty of nature.



"Jade" has been a beautiful and noble word since ancient times. It is used to describe all beautiful people or things



In the process of the jade becoming Qiongyu, it is inevitable to carve. For the lighting of the stairs, we chose only simple processed glazed stone to interpret the initial carving of the uncut jade. The bottom of the lamp is made of coffee gold, and the glazed stone gradually changes from the original stone to transparent. Yes, it is the most beautiful embodiment of Huaguang's early appearance.


After walking here, it is a place where all the mysteries are solved, and I just want to have a leisurely aftertaste. Seeing the splendid prosperity of the surrounding objects, I only feel that everything is really beautiful. I got the answer here, I just feel quiet and peaceful, and then I look back and sigh that things in the world will be beautiful after hard work, such as our life.



There are jade stones in nature. The surface is simple and unpretentious, but there is a world inside. However, it is also natural and beautiful among many stones, unmodified, showing a kind of natural beauty.


The raw jade is carved into a utensil, and the pearl dust is made of light. The device above the water bar is a successful process of quenching jade. It has been carved from a stone to a slightly jade-like shape now. The hardships and sacrifices are only understood by craftsmen, and we are all craftsmen in life, and we are bound to make life a piece of precious jade.




After years of carving, the original unremarkable jade has become a beautiful jade. Under the sunlight, its soft light is warm and natural, making people feel comfortable and beautiful life.



The overall space has a gentle and elegant temperament. In order to ensure visual unity, the soft outfits should be kept low-key and modest as much as possible, and always restrained in color and selection.




The wall art installation in the negotiation area is based on irregular colored glaze, with brushed metal as the veneer, showing the artistic application of original jade materials of different materials in the space.


洽商区的沙发造型根源于集美半岛的波浪。沙发的层层叠叠就像波浪一层高过一层,含义着集美会兴盛的越来越好。波浪打又上去退下来,露出港底的美玉, 道具照在茶几的美玉上,像影子投在地毯上, 波光粼粼, 灿烂刺眼。


The sofa shape of the negotiation area comes from the waves of Jimei Peninsula. The layers of sofas are like waves one layer higher than one layer, which means that Jimei will develop better and better. The waves hit and recede, revealing the beautiful jade on the bottom of the sea. The light shines on the beautiful jade on the coffee table, like a shadow cast on the carpet, sparkling and dazzling.



Beside the sea, Pu stone has no light; Thousands of years of honing, warm jade has light. The element of jade is closely connected with the sea of Jimei Peninsula, which perfectly explains that jade is hidden in the sea and raised in the sea.



贸易安排的第一个性是创作理想, 以是咱们安排了一个“ 茶艺接洽所” , 应用“ 虹吸壶网祁红” 的新兴煮茶观念, 以领会互动的情势, 将年青人爱好的自主式茶吧观念引入进入。


The water bar is based on the local tea art and tea products in Fujian, with a strong national style, warm and elegant, a tea classic, a tea, and let life return to nature and richness.

The first feature of commercial design is to create desire, so we designed a "Tea Art Research Institute", using the emerging tea-making concept of "Syphon Pot Net Red Tea", in the form of experience and interaction, the concept of self-service tea bar that young people love bring in.



The tea art interactive area is based on white, and uncarved jade is placed in it. We hope that every participant can feel the texture of life and the uncarved nature.

七彩玉又名玛瑙,在同一块玉石上能见到多种脸色共存。童子区的雕刻咱们以梁小狮和七彩玉的安排贯串,以及顶部的灯饰也是根源于七彩玉的脸色, 预见着儿童们的将来不不过有一种脸色,而不管什么脸色他都光荣刺眼。

Colorful jade, also known as agate, can see multiple colors coexisting on the same piece of jade. The sculptures in the children's area are combined with the design of Liang Xiaoshi and colorful jade, and the lighting on the top is also derived from the color of the colorful jade, indicating that the children's future is not only a color, but also dazzling no matter what color.



Protect the "jade" - the messenger of children

除此除外,也蓄意运用梁小狮心爱的IP局面将更多的品牌文明传播给受众,靠此实质激励人们的自决传递关切, 传播与时俱进的品牌内核, 巩固品牌粘度。


In addition, we also hope to use Liang Xiaoshi's cute IP image to convey more brand culture to the audience, and rely on this content to stimulate people's enthusiasm for independent communication, convey the brand core that keeps pace with the times, and enhance brand viscosity.




名目称呼 | 天著润宸


名目场所 | 厦门


名目开拓 | 中梁土地资产 正荣土地资产


甲方共青团和少先队 | 李桂思、张旭东、刘如山

安排艺术 | 美域高MIYUKO

安排主要创作 | 方衣珍,江胡凤


安排样品 | 展现重心

名目表面积 | 542㎡

名目拍照 | Ingallery

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